Priscilla Herrera

Priscilla Herrera

Priscilla is a Chef specialist in natural and vegetarian food, vegan, raw food and confectionery sugar-free, gluten or lactose. Priscilla has international experience in renowned restaurants.


She is the owner of Green Banana restaurant for eight years. Graduated in gastronomy at Senac University Center in Campos do Jordao, Brazil. She worked with Salvatore Loi chefs, Fasano restaurant and Fabrice Le Nud, confectionery Pâtisserie Douce France. Herrera likes to always work with fresh food, news and typically Brazilian ingredients and little explored, such as pigeon peas beans and gherkin.


  • Vegetarian Cooking
  • Vegan Cooking
  • Raw Food
  • Confectionary unsweetened gluten- or lactose
  • Natural Food

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